Udstillingsåbning: Niels Pugholm / Endnu en undergang
Kom til åbningen af Niels Pugholms soloudstilling.

Vi glæder os til at se jer til åbningen af Niels Pugholms soloudstilling Endnu en undergang torsdag den 4. april fra kl. 17-19, hvor alle er velkomne! Åbningstalen holdes af formand for kultur- og fritidsudvalget på Frederiksberg, Lotte Kofoed.
Om udstillingen
På Niels Pugholms keramiske soloudstilling i Møstings udfoldes en dramaturgi over undergangsmytens cyklus.
Udstillingen er udformet med afsæt i Møstings’ markante arkitektur, hvor hver af de fire rum tildeles et af cyklussens stadier: det bestående, forfaldet, ødelæggelsen og opblomstringen. Med referencer til husets arkitekt C. F. Harsdorffs nyklassicistiske stil og relieffer, samt antikke græske søjler, klassiske vaser og egne keramiske eksperimenter, bliver udstillingen en slags scenografi hvor man bevæger sig gennem undergangsfortællingen.
We look forward to seeing you at the opening of Niels Pugholm’s solo exhibition Yet Another Doom on Thursday, April 4, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, where everyone is welcome! The opening speech will be given by the chairman of the Culture and Leisure Committee of Frederiksberg, Lotte Kofoed.
About the exhibition
Niels Pugholm’s ceramic solo exhibition at Møstings unfolds a dramaturgy over the cycle of the doom myth.
The exhibition is designed based on Møstings’ striking architecture, where each of the four rooms is assigned one of the stages of the cycle: the existing, chaos, destruction, and the flourishing. With references to the house’s architect C.F. Harsdorff’s neoclassical style and reliefs, as well as ancient Greek columns, classical vases, and his own ceramic experiments, the exhibition becomes a sort of scenography in which the audience moves through the different stages of the doom narrative.