Møstings, Møstings
Christine Clemmesen: Handed to Eyes
6. January 2024 - 17. March 2024

2000 Frederiksberg
T: +45 69 13 80 90
E: moestings@frederiksbergmuseerne.dk
At this year’s first exhibition in Møstings, visual artist Christine Clemmesen explores the complex relationship between photography, space and material. Clemmesen does not take photographs; she creates them in a way that challenges the traditional understanding of what photography entails.
The exhibition Handed to Eyes brings together the tangible and the optical in new photographic compositions, created specifically for Møstings. Image and frame activate each other in works of UV print on marble, polaroids, prints on paper and silk.
Clemmesen’s artistic practice reflects an interest in the relationship between images, their materiality and their spatial presentation. Over the years, she has shaped her photographic works in various media, where unique frames often add an extra dimension to her exploration of the image’s space. The exhibition in Møstings will include works where the space inside the frame is used as a continuation of the composition in the image.
“Fundamentally, I am concerned with whether photography can be translated into presence. By printing on, for example, marble, I hope to create an awareness of the form and boundary of the image, and how it interacts with the image’s motif. The works become very physical and object-like due to my frames and the materials I print on, but also through the sculptural situation in the image itself and inside the frame,” states Christine Clemmesen about her work.
The exhibition raises questions about whether the works are based on photographs or objects – or possibly both, at the same time. This diversity of meanings leads us to reflect on how images are constructed and how the aesthetics that surround us affect us.
Christine Clemmesen graduated from The Slade School of Fine Art in London and the Glasgow School of Art. She has previously exhibited at Rønnebæksholm (2022), Vandrehallen (2021), Gæsteværelset hos Tone Bonnén (2021) and Fotografisk Center (2020). In 2022, she has nominated for the international photography prize, FOAM Paul Huf Award.
Opening reception Friday, January 5th at 5 PM. The exhibition will be opened by the chairperson of the Culture and Leisure Committee in Frederiksberg, Lotte Kofoed. Everyone is welcome.
The exhibition is supported by: Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Arbejdernes Landsbank, Beckett-Fonden, Det Obelske Familiefond, Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond, Statens Kunstfond and Statens Værksteder for Kunst.
*The exhibition title is inspired by Michael Snow’s work Handed to Eyes, 1983