26. March 2023 - 30. November 2023

2000 Frederiksberg
T: +45 30 73 80 32
In 2023, the South Korean artist, Kimsooja, will capture the underground space of Cisternerne. The audience is invited into an ethereal space where light, projected into iridescent color spectra, transforms the former water reservoir into a sacred sea of light.
Every year, the Frederiksberg Museums invites an artist to create a site-specific work for the 4,400 square meters of Cisternerne, into which the daylight never reaches, the humidity is close to 100%, the reverberation is of 17 seconds, and the temperature fluctuates between 4 and 16 degrees Celsius.
In an extensive installation of light and color, Kimsooja transforms Cisternerne into an ephemeral universe, where the light radiates like brushstrokes on transparent canvases and breaks the darkness. The work is comprised of diffraction grating film that is mounted on transparent panels, which altogether let light pass through a microscopic surface of horizontal and vertical prisms. Rays of light split into vibrant colors that dynamically weave in and out of the subterranean colonnades.
The exhibition is realized thanks to the support from Arbejdernes Landsbank, Augustinus Fonden, Becket-Fonden, Det Obelske Familiefond, Frederiksberg Fonden, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Statens Kunstfond and Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond

About the artist
Kimsooja (b. 1957, Daegu, South Korea) has established herself as one of the most defining artists on the international art scene since the 90s. She works across a broad range of media from performance, film and photography to site-specific installations with textiles, light and sound. Her work adresses humanistic questions about existence and the current global challenges in the context of art history.

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