Chiharu Shiota: Multiple Realities
13. March 2022 - 30. November 2022

2000 Frederiksberg
T: +45 30 73 80 32
In 2022, Cisternerne presents Multiple Realities, an exhibition created by Chiharu Shiota.
Join us underground and experience a dreamlike parallel world, when the Japanese-born artist, Chiharu Shiota, takes on the dark chambers of Cisternerne with the exhibition, Multiple Realities.
Cisternerne is transformed into a both magical and unsettling place. Chiharu Shiota embraces the sensuous potential of the space and converts Cisternerne to a dreamlike scenery, where deeper layers of the human psyche find an aesthetic expression in rotating dresses, reflections and maze-like yarn structures.
As one moves further into the darkness, the colonnades of Cisternerne double in the underlying water surface. Concurrently with the works getting more dynamic and turbulent, the clear water sets in motion and transforms Cisternerne into a both magical and unsettling place.
Like nobody else, Shiota manages to unite the monumental and fragile in her seductive exhibitions. She is particularly known for her large-scale thread installations that resemble a spider’s web and transform entire museums and galleries into a labyrinthine experience, often with personal objects incorporated in the works. Cisternerne and the possibility of working with water fascinated her, and a big part of the exhibition is experienced from walkways above the water surface, which lead you deeply into Shiota’s uncanny universe.

About the artist
Chiharu Shiota (b. 1972) originally studied painting, but a dream she had during an artistic crisis changed her approach to art. She recreated the dream in her work Becoming Painting in 1994, in which she covered her body and a canvas in enamel paint and attempted to enter the painting. From this need to be inside the artwork, her yarn installations derived, which she describes as “drawing in the air”.
Shiota studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig (1997-1999) and the Universität der Künste, Berlin (1999-2003).
Her international breakthrough came when she represented Japan at the Venice Biennale in 2015. Shiota lives and works in Berlin.
Funds and sponsors:
A. P. Møller Fonde, Arbejdernes Landsbank, Augustinus Fonden, Beckett-Fonden, Bestles Fond, Det Obelske Familiefond, Frederiksberg Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg and Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond.
Photos by Gabriel de la Chapelle: Chiharu Shiota, “Where are we going?”, 2017. ©VISDA 2021 and the artist.