EXIT 2024
29. November 2024 - 19. December 2024

2000 Frederiksberg
T: +45 69 13 80 90
E: moestings@frederiksbergmuseerne.dk
Thematically, the works in the exhibition EXIT 2024 explore everything from humanity, nature, and technology to power and mythology. Together, they form a cross-section of our contemporary world, as experienced and interpreted by 16 newly graduated artists from Denmark’s three art academies.
The exhibition includes intricate, detailed etchings of physical and mental spaces by Anders Aarvik and monumental, expressive paintings by Tea Eklund Berglöw and Wenjie Zhou. It also features AI-generated landscapes by Erdal Bilici and digital prints by Sara Krøgholt Tier.
Humorous paintings by Naja Zethner and quirky photographs of Freja Sofie Kirk’s feet, as well as activist slogans about dyslexia by Julie Nymann and colorful flamingo stilettos in Theodor Nymark’s laser-cut plexiglass works, have also found their way into the exhibition.
In Signe Maria Friis’ meticulous beige embroideries, we encounter the silhouettes of People in Line, while Sofie Sjöö and Sophia Luna Portra both take us into the darkness and the darker sides of life. Cecilie Penny depicts encounters with psychiatry on brushed aluminum.
Finally, Vibe Kilde, Mare Louise Westring Hvidman, and Meret Krasa each portray nature in very different ways. Vibe is captivated by the musical poetry of nature in her copper engravings, Marie Louise’s delicate watercolor is entirely abstract, while Meret takes a more surreal approach with her colorful paintings of life beneath the ocean’s surface.
Overall, the exhibition EXIT 2024 presents a multifaceted portrait of the participating artists, showcasing a wide range of themes and artistic expressions; here, light, darkness, humor, poetry, and artificial intelligence meet.
EXIT 2024 is generously supported by Trine and Gunnar Kjems.
The exhibiting artists are:
Anders Aarvik, Erdal Bilici, Tea Eklund Berglöw, Signe Maria Friis, Marie Louise Westring Hvidman, Vibe Kilde, Freja Sofie Kirk, Julie Nymann, Meret Krasa, Sara Krøgholt Trier, Theodor Nymark, Sophia Luna Portra, Naja Zethner, Sofie Sjöö, Cecilie Penney, and Wenjie Zhou.
Learn more about the artists on Kunst paa arbejde’s website.