6. September 2023

Gong bath in Cisternerne /

Join us for a meditative and sensorial experience in Cisternerne with sound therapist Ylenia Fiorini.

Gongbad_ Cisternerne
Mindful Museum
6. september 2023 kl. 18:15 - 19:30
195 kr.

For this special event, you will get to experience the gloomy and cold chambers of the former water reservoir through a meditative sound bath of gong, Tibetan singing bowls and percussion such as shakers, rattles and rainsticks. You can dwell into this ocean of sound sitting, with your eyes closed, or walking around the total installation of Kimsooja.

It is cold in Cisternerne, and parts of the event will take place seated. You should therefore bring warm clothes with you for the event.